About six years ago our company, (originally started in the business of producing immortelle seedlings for customers in Croatia and the European Union. Our company used traditional methods of collecting seeds, germinating, growing, and then selling the finished product: helichrysum italicum immortelle seedlings. Our customers were so amazed by the quality of seedlings, and the fast rate at which they grew at. They quickly formed into large bushes and in the summer bloomed with yellow golden flowers. Throughout the years of growing immortelle, we have learned and developed the best, and easiest ways to grow large immortelle bushes that one day will produce high quality essential oil.
Fast forward a few years, the price of immortelle seedlings dropped and it was not financially beneficial for us to continue producing and shipping seedlings for our customers. We continued to receive so many emails for our seedlings that we decided to sell our planting seeds and share our planting instructions to our customers all over the world. Our methods of germination and planting are easy to follow and make it very simple to grow your own immortelle!

FACT: In the 7th century BCE, the ancient Romans and Greeks were known to decorate the statues of gods with wreaths woven by hand from beautiful gold Helichrysum flowers. They, along with the Egyptians used helichrysum oil for its great wound healing ability, and often used it after battles.

Our Helichrysum Italicum Immortelle planting seeds are collected from natural occurring immortelle found in the wild in Croatia. We guarantee to all of our customers that our seeds are 100% authentic helichrysum italicum immortelle planting seeds sourced from Croatia.

All of our immortelle planting seeds are organic NON-GMO seeds. We do not use any sort of pesticides or chemicals on any of our immortelle products. We believe that the best way to grow immortelle and produce the best quality oil is doing so the natural way.

With each purchase of immortelle seeds, you will receive an instructional booklet with step-by-step instructions with photos to assist you in planting and taking care of your new immortelle seedlings! If you ever have any questions during the planting process, let us know and we will help you the best that we can!

Growing immortelle is easy if you know the right way! With each purchase of immortelle seeds you will receive a full planting guide with step-by-step instructions!
The germination of immortelle seeds is a simple process if you follow the steps in our planting guide. As soon as you receive your seeds, our planting guide with show you how to begin germination, then prepare to transplant the seedlings into individual containers, and then the most important part: how to create seedlings that will grow into nice bushes when transplanted into the field. Bigger bushes mean more essential oil!
To produce 1 liter of helichrysum italicum immortelle essential oil you need at least 600 kg of raw plant material for steam distillation. For your first year of planting immortelle you can expect to receive 100-200 grams of plant material per immortelle plant. In the second year you can expect 500 grams per plant, and the third year you can expect to receive sometimes up to 1 kg or more per plant!
Helichrysum italicum immortelle flowers are harvested twice per year, meaning you can expect to receive a nice harvest in the summertime, and another harvest in the late fall!
Since the immortelle harvest is only twice per year, planting seeds are not something our company can manufacture or produce in a factory. We have to wait for the natural process to occur and when it is time to harvest seeds. If you are interested in purchasing seeds and they are currently available in our shop, we suggest not waiting because they might be sold out the next time you visit, meaning you will have to wait until the next season's harvest!